Good planning leads to better clarity. Better clarity leads to better decision making. And better decision making usually leads to better profitability.


Gain Insight With Staff Perspective Workshops

Previously we introduced the topic of Strategic Reviews, Annual Business Plans & Execution by first looking at strategic reviews. In this instalment we continue with this theme by looking into Staff Workshops as a way of gaining better insight and how they fit into the Strategic Planning process.


PlanA Consulting clients Business 1 and 2 address their staff with annual workshops to ascertain their staff’s perspectives with regards to:

  • What was good and not so good about the previous year?
  • Were there any pain-points and if so can you tell us about them?
  • What are the opportunities for the coming year?


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Staff Workshops Tailored To Your Business


Due to their size, Business 1 conducts these workshops with senior leadership. With Business 2, they run their workshops with the entire team. Hutch helps plan / structure the workshops, and facilitates the running of them.

In addition, Business 1 also uses a process whereby staff can provide feedback year-round and both businesses have very good performance appraisal systems.

Business 1 also approached and spoke to key stakeholders and customers to ascertain their views. Business 2 uses an internal net promoter score to record customer feedback.

These workshops are important, because it allows people from across the business to have their voice heard. It also means that they have better buy in when the business plans for the year are rolled out


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Thinking staff workshops could help your business gain better insight into what you need to do for success? Speak to John at PlanA Consulting on a no cost, no obligation basis to see how your business can reach its true potential.



Phone: +64 21 748 142

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